Roses for Our Lady

Created: Dec 14, 2023
Category: General News

Knights present silver roses and thousands of pro-life pledges at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City

By Elisha Valladares-Cormier



As thousands gathered at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City to celebrate the feast of St. Juan Diego on Dec. 9, two Knights of Columbus Silver Roses also arrived at the basilica, the final stop of their journey through North America over the past year.

One of the silver roses — blessed by Pope Francis in 2020 — was displayed prominently near the altar during the basilica’s 9 a.m. Mass, celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Luis Manuel Pérez Raygoza of the Archdiocese of México. At the offertory, Knights from Mexico presented thousands of pledge cards signed over the past year by people attending K of C Silver Rose pro-life prayer services, promising to defend life from conception to natural death.

After the Mass, the rose and pledge cards were placed before the tilma bearing the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

“These pro-life prayers and pledges signify the commitment of so many hearts to remind us that we are God’s family,” said Msgr. Eduardo Chávez, the postulator for the cause of canonization for St. Juan Diego and a concelebrant for the Mass. “[It’s a reminder] that beyond borders, languages, traditions and such different cultures, love unites us.”

Msgr. Chavez, a member of Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe Council 14138, added that Knights are called to “follow Jesus as humble Juan Diegos, and we carry God’s message and strength as Our Lady of Guadalupe asked.”

A K of C delegation from Mexico South led by State Deputy Alejandro Arroyo later presented the second rose to the Virgin of Guadalupe during the basilica’s noon Mass, celebrated by Cardinal Carlos Aguiar Retes, the primate archbishop of Mexico.

“This is one of the most emotional events of the year for our jurisdiction, especially as the silver rose, delivered to the protection of Mary, brings hope during the season of Advent,” Arroyo said after the Mass. “From here, we will bring the rose to nursing homes and seminaries, and especially hospitals so that all who are suffering may find refuge in the Blessed Mother.”

The Silver Rose program, which began in 1960, now features eight roses traveling along different routes through Canada, the United States and Mexico from March through mid-December. Councils hosting a silver rose hold prayer services promoting the dignity of life and honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Order. Afterward, attendees are invited to sign pledge cards promising Our Lady that they will defend life at every stage.

Francisco Saenz, a past state deputy of Mexico Central, was among the Knights presenting those pledges at the Nov. 9 morning Mass and later placing them before the tilma.

“At the feet of the Virgin of Guadalupe, offering the Silver Rose along with thousands of pledges in English and Spanish, I felt deeply grateful to God for the gift of life, for my Catholic faith and for being a Knight of Columbus,” he said. “May St. Juan Diego inspire us to carry his message of love around the world as lay people and citizens who promote life, family, freedom and human rights.”


ELISHA VALLADARES-CORMIER is associate editor of Columbia.